Gen Z Social Media Trends: Facts & Statistics [Latest for 2024]

Social media has become an invincible channel among generation Z to connect people instantly, more than physical contact. Even teens are more comfortable sharing and chatting on social media platforms than with face-to-face interaction. There are estimated to be more than 8 billion in 2023; among them, nearly 30% are Gen Z-ers. 

So understanding Gen Z social media trends opens businesses and markets to target more precisely this young audience. Why? Generation Z is getting more powerful in terms of purchasing power. YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular social media platforms among teenagers.

This piece of content curation combines facts and statistics about generation Z social media usage. From spending time to purchasing behaviours, screentime to data consumption, everything. 

While research and studies have revealed somewhat about generation Z’s social media preferences and trends, many more are yet to be revealed. However, these are quick social media trends among teenagers and youngsters in the 15- to 29-year-old age range.

  • 6 out of 10 Gen Zers follow their favourite brands on social media. 
  • Generation Z spends 73% of their social media time on text and chat. 
  • 70% of Gen Z consider UGC (user-generated content) when purchasing something. 
  • 7 out of 10 Gen Zers have multiple social media accounts. 
  • Snapchat (41%), TikTok (35%), and Instagram (31%) are the top 3 social media channels with the largest Gen Z user base. 
  • Short-form video (YouTube Shorts and Reels) is the most consumed media content by teenagers.
  • Women spend 15% more time on social media than men, accounting for 65%, while men spend 35%. 
  • 85% of people in generation Z use social media to find new products, especially on Instagram. 

Which Social Media Platform has Most Gen Z Audience?

Social Media platforms drive most of the young generation. Here are the top 10 social media platforms Generation Z uses the most:

PlatformTotal AudienceGen Z Audience 
Facebook3 billion20%
YouTube2.7 billion25%
WhatsApp2.8 billion32%
Instagram2 billion33%
Twitter (X)415 million23%
SnapChat750 million40%
TikTok1.92 billion40%
Telegram800 million25%
Facebook Messenger1.04 billion18%
LinkedIn900 million22%

The table shows that TikTok, and SnapChat have the most gen z population with an average of 40% to total audience.  

While all the social media platforms, generation Z and millennials are the biggest contributors, images and video-based social platforms are the favourites of generation Z. While Facebook has become the least favourite platform for teenagers, video apps like TikTok and Snapchat and image-based platforms like Instagram are the most popular among Gen Z. 

On SnapChat and TikTok, it has an average audience age of 40% between 16 and 28, while Instagram has 33% teenagers as its total audience. It has also been observed that Facebook has lost 50% of the interest of Gen Z. In 2015, on Facebook, 71% of the audience was Gen-Zers; it dropped to only 32% in 2022.

What is Average Screen Time of Generation Z on Social Media?

An average generation Z spends 6 to 7 hours of screen time daily; most of them (35%) spend only 4 hours on social media platforms. In the remaining time, they used to spend on streaming platforms and OTT services like Netflix and Prime videos.

Here is the average time teenagers and gen-z spend their time on different platforms- 

Social Media PlatformAverage Time Spend per day
TikTok1 hour 47 minutes
SnapChat1 hours 12 minutes
Instagram45 minutes
YouTube1 hour 54 minutes
Facebook20 minutes

Since short video consumption has increased by 34% in the last 5 years, there is no doubt that teenagers spend most of their time on video sharing platforms like TikTok, SnapChat, and YouTube.

What is the Most Consumed Media Type Among Gen Z?

Social media has become a hub for teenagers to gain information about current affairs, comedy, community, and different other types of content. In fact, 75% of members of Generation Z are dependent on social media channels to stay updated with breaking news. 

Teenagers use social media to express their thoughts more comfortably than in real life. 62% of Gen Zers used social media for photographs and video content, second only to their primary use for commenting and posting. Video content has been more popular and engaging since the early social media boom in all generations. Short-form videos like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have become the primary content consumed. 

From 2019 to 2023, short-form video content consumption has increased at a CAGR of 35% more than any other media type. Even in videos, entertainment, comedy, gaming, and vlogging are most popular.

Here are the list of platform with popular video genre that Gen Z likes the most –   

  • Instagram: comedy, celeb news, food fashion, and beauty.
  • SnapChat: comedy, cooking, beauty, entertainment news, and gaming. 
  • YouTube: Comedy, eSports/Gaming, Vlogging, Food, Celeb News. 
  • Facebook: comedy, food, entertainment, current news, technology.
  • TikTok: comedy, dancing, beauty, vlogging, gaming.

If you’ll notice, comedy is the top video content that is consumed on all the popular social media platforms. In fact, 52% of Gen Zers watch a video till the end if they find it funny and humorous.

How much Money Gen Z spends via Social Media?

Gen Z social media trends are getting aggressive on money-spending habits. Unlike millennials, Generation Z spends more money and follows a relaxed saving approach. However, Gen Z starts saving money earlier than any other older generation. 61% of teenagers (Gen Z) follow their favourite brands on social media. 58% of Gen Zers make purchasing decisions under the influence of some kind of content creator or celebrity. 

Generation Zers have an attention span of only 8 seconds and skip any advertisement that is skippable in just 9.5 seconds. But on the other side, 61% of teenagers use social media platforms, especially Instagram and TikTok, for new product research. It has been seen that brands are constantly increasing their budgets on social media, and even some of the top brands are already assigning dedicated budgets for Gen Z alone because teenagers spend roughly $1200 per year on social media. 

Despite these facts, when it comes to making purchase decisions, 70% of Gen Z prefers real, authentic, and user-generated content more than any advertisement. As a result, a whole new industry has emerged for creating user-generated content at scale, and this UGC (user-generated content) industry is expected to reach roughly $35 billion by 2030 at a remarkable growth rate of 29.4% CAGR. 

Average Data Consumption on Social Media by Generation Z:

Data consumption has increased greatly after short videos were introduced, especially after the price of data packs dropped. According to an Ericsson Mobility Report, video consumption increased by 85% while TV viewership dropped by 50% in just 4 years, from 2011 to 2015, among teens. 

After the 2016 launch of TikTok, which is a short video platform, it took only 7 months to reach 100 million users. An average of 56 GB per month will be the global average data consumption by 2029, as per the latest edition of this report. 

As per a report by Nokia, an average Indian consumes 20 GB of data per month, and it is expected to reach 47GB by 2027 as internet penetration keeps expanding. 

Also Read: 50+ Statistics About Generation Z in 2024: Digital Habits Edition

Social Media’s Negative Impact on Generation Z:

Until this Gen Z social media trends article, you have seen the behaviour of teenagers spending on social media, including money, time, and screen time. While it sounds okay, social media has negative impacts on Gen Z as well. 

According to an article on the National Institute of Health, youth and teens who spend 3 hours or more per day on social media have double the risk of potential anxiety and depression. As a result, an average of 54% of parents are concerned about the negative social media impact of lower self-esteem, online bullying, and depression in their kids, while 71% are concerned about exposure to explicit content in teens.

Teenagers and Gen Z who use their social media accounts three times a day might have poor mental health, reports say. Individuals who have an active social media account have a 40% identity theft risk. 

Furthermore, teens who spend more time on social media constantly have a higher risk of developing sleep disorders such as insomnia. The blue light emitted from smartphones is the primary reason for irregular sleep, as per research. Also, social media has become a medium for cyberbullying. In 2023, because of a bullied anonymous message on Snapchat, a 16-year-old Gen Z from Oregon took his own life. 

In short, identity theft, personal data leaks, mental stress, anxiety, and poor self-esteem are some of the many negative impacts of social media on teens and Gen Zers


The article provides a comprehensive overview of Generation Z’s social media trends, covering various aspects such as platform preferences, content consumption habits, and purchasing behaviour. It highlights the growing influence of social media among teenagers and young adults, emphasising the need for businesses and marketers to understand and leverage these trends. By combining facts and statistics, you can effectively communicate the importance of targeting Generation Z through social media channels.

Based on these Gen Z social media trends and statistics, here are the key points:

  • Generation Z is more comfortable with social media interactions than face-to-face communication.
  • Understanding Gen Z social media trends is crucial for businesses targeting this demographic.
  • YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular social media platforms among teenagers.
  • Short-form video content is the most consumed media type by Generation Z.
  • Gen Z spends an average of 6 to 7 hours per day on social media, with a significant portion of time spent on video-sharing platforms.
  • Social media has both positive and negative impacts on Gen Z, including influences on purchasing decisions and potential risks to mental health.

For businesses, startups, and marketers looking to engage with Generation Z, it is essential to leverage social media platforms effectively. Understanding the preferences and behaviours of this demographic can help tailor marketing strategies and content to resonate with Gen Z audiences. By staying informed about Gen Z social media trends, businesses can adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Citations & References:

Instagram Global Age Group 2023 by Statista.

SnapChat Demographics by HootSuite.

YouTube and WhatsApp Users by Backlinko.

Most Popular Social Media Platforms by Semrush.

Telegram Users Statistics by Grabon.

Gen Z Social Media Usage by Later.

Average Screen Time Stats by WhatsTheBigData.

Gen Z Report by Performance Marketing World.

Screen Time for Teens by Exploding Topics. 

Rise of Short Form Video Consumption in India by WION.

Habits of Millennials’ Younger Siblings (Gen Z) by Awesomeness

User Generated Content Platform Market Report by SkyQuest

Type of Content Young Generation Enjoy the Most – Survey by yPulse.  

Generation Z Mobility Report by Ericsson

MBIT 10th Edition 2023 by Nokia

Social Media Negative Impact on Children by National Library of Medicine

Teens and Social Media Use on Health article on MayoClinic. 

Identity Fraud Study and Press Release by Javelin

Screen Time and Insomnia for Teens by Sleep Foundation

Social Media Bullying Teen Suicide Case post on Yahoo News

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