50+ Statistics About Generation Z in 2024: Digital Habits Edition

In this era dominated by screens and connectivity, brands who understand generation Z’s preferences and behaviour can improve respective products and services. 

Gen Z are more digital natives and technology enthusiasts, shifting the landscape of demand of expectations in different industries. 

Either it’s their lower attention time of just 8 seconds or their proactive concern about personal data, this generation is different from millennials in most of the aspects. 

Although research and studies are continuously being done to understand more about generation Z, most of the aspects and characteristics are yet to be explored. 

This content aims to provide a list of 50+ facts and statistics about generation Z till 2024. So, it would make you more strategic with your business plans targeting the new generation. 

Quick Digital Facts About Generation Z:

The new generation spends more on electronics and the internet. Their purchasing behaviour is different from previous generations and in the era of social media, they prefer to decide product-purchase based on user generated content rather than commercials. 

  • 73% of Gen Z’s internet time is spent on texting and chatting.
  • Value, accessibility, and product quality are important factors to 66% of Gen Z’s.
  • 85% of Gen Z favours remote or hybrid work rather than in-office jobs.
  • 79% of Gen Z wants AI-powered digital experiences.
  • In Last five years, 65% of US retailers have boosted their spending significantly specific to Gen Z marketing.
  • 72% of Generation Z open social media to comments on their friend’s posts. 
  • 61% of Gen Zers follow brands they like on social media, surpassing the 34% engagement seen in older generations.
  • After 9.5 seconds, Generation Z clicks “Skip” on video advertisements that can be skipped.
  • When making purchasing selections, 70% of Generation Z takes user-generated content (UGC) into consideration.
  • A notable 58% of Gen Zers have made purchases influenced by recommendations from social media influencers or content creators.

Generation Z’s Digital Usage and Online Activity Facts:

The digital consumption of this generation is exponentially increasing than generation alpha. Today’s teens are more friendly and comfortable with more than one screen. 

If you’re entrepreneurs or startups running online business you should be aware of these digital facts and statistics about generation Z: 

  • More than 70% of generation Z are not willing to share their health and wellness, location, payment and other personal data.  
  • 60% of this generation avoid the use of websites or apps that are slow in loading. 
  • 44% of generation Z spends their time watching TV and movies.
  • Among all adults aged between 19 to 21 years, 75% of them prefer smartphones as their favourite device.
  • 71% of Generation Z use more than one social media platform. 
  • 62% will not utilise an app or website that is difficult to navigate.
  • 60% of this generation users will abandon a website if it’s slow.
  • 66% of Gen Zs prioritise product quality, availability, and value than any other factor.
  • 62% agree to share personal information with a brand in order to make a purchase, more than people in their contacts list. 
  • Gen Z spends 73% of their online time using text and chat, and females account 15% more than males. 
  • 62% of 13 to 15 year-olds agree on gaming as their favourite activity to their smartphones.
  • 66% commonly utilise multiple screens and devices at the same time.
  • 87% of Generation Z have high-speed internet connectivity at home.

Generation Z’s Social Media Facts and Statistics: 

Social media platforms play an important role when it comes to generation Z. This generation uses social media for not just sharing and chatting but also to research products and find news. Here are facts and statistics about generation Z related to social media behaviour of the iGen teens:

  • 61% of Generation Z conducts product research on their mobile phones at least once a week.
  • 75% of Generation Z relies on social media for breaking news.
  • 70% of Generation Z considers UGC (user-generated content) when making purchasing decisions.
  • 85% of Gen Z uses social media to discover new items.
  • 55% of Gen Z say that YouTube has helped them learn.
  • 72% of Gen Z utilises social media to leave comments on their postings, while 62% use it to share photographs and videos. 36% use it to read newspapers, articles, and blogs.
  • 61% of Gen Z likes brands that protect personal data, while 43% demand clear terms and conditions for the usage of their personal information.
  • 45% of Generation Z want to work in the technology industry.
  • 34% of Gen Z prefers that brands contact them using social media, while only 13% prefer to be contacted by snail mail.
  • 57% of iGen firmly believe that social media is more helpful for news consumption than searches on the web, websites, or mobile apps.

Generation Z’s Job Preferences and Facts:

Technology and internet has become to integrated to iGeneration that after the covid_19, it has started affecting significantly to work and job types. 

This generation has shown its interest to work from home or at least hybrid work rather than in-office full-time jobs. 

  • 85% of Generation Z favours hybrid or remote work. 35% of Gen Z desire remote employment so they can spend more time with their families, and another 28% believe it will make it easier for them to do their work.
  • 22% of Generation Z makes money online, while 24% work part-time.
  • 65% of US retailers have boosted their Gen Z marketing budgets to a large sum.
  • 79% of Gen Z trusts firms that do not retouch (edit) their ads or presentation image, while 84% trust companies that show actual customers in their advertisements.
  • 79% of Gen Zers anticipate AI to fuel their digital experiences.

Digital Involvement in Generation Z’s Educational Preferences: 

Not just for entertainment and content consumption, studies on generation Z’s educational behaviour shows how online media have helped this generation in education and jobs.  

  • 52% of adult internet surfers conducted job-related research online.
  • 58% of internet teens say they use websites designed expressly for their school or class.
  • 41% of online kids say they communicate with peers or instructors about schoolwork via email or instant messaging.
  • 55% of Generation Z say that YouTube has helped them learn.

iGeneration General Demographics and Digital Behavior:

As the normal attention span of this generation is dropping drastically and short form content like instagram reels and youtube shorts are gaining traction, the behaviour and trends are shifting to the other side. Here’re some statistics about generation Z based on demographics and digital behaviour: 

  • Generation Z has attention spans of under 8 seconds. For millennials, it takes 12.5 seconds. 
  • 22% of Gen Z make money online rather than depending on their parent’s pocket money.
  • In 2022, 32% of Gen Z use or have used Facebook, which was 71% in 2015.
  • 63% of the Gen Z population click video advertising than other adverts format.
  • 28% of Gen Zers believe their virtual avatar should resemble their physical characteristics.
  • 66.7% of US youths have an iPhone, and they open their phones about 80 times daily.
  • 90% of teen participants said they would be upset if they had to give up the Internet as punishment.
  • Less than 40% of teenagers enjoy taking risks or getting a rush out of harmful activities, a 20% decrease in just 15 years.
  • Both millennials and Generation Z expect to have access to digital content at all times.
  • The generation cohort has a great impact on the generation Z’s communication style, more than their demographic background.


As Generation Z is reshaping the expectations and demands across various industries, it’s important to view them differently from previous generations, especially millennials. Here’re are some key takeaways that you need to remember –

  • Generation Z are heavily reliant on social media for information, breaking news, and product research.
  • iGeneration has preference for remote or hybrid work. Because they want to spend more time with their family and believe that work is done easily when they are home. 
  • They trust in companies with transparent advertising practices, and have expectations of AI-powered digital experiences. 
  • They prefer purchase from video advertising more and like to trust user-generated content than traditional commercials.

For businesses and companies, the supplied short digital facts about age Z are a helpful resource, providing actionable insights into navigating the obstacles and opportunities posed by this tech-savvy age. 

Businesses that understand the subtleties of Generation Z’s digital usage, online activities, social media preferences, and employment expectations can develop tactics that resonate and engage this key cohort.

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